GMAC Fly In Events

There are three GMAC Fly In events organised each year, weather permitting. All are open to visiting pilots. However current B.M.F.A. insurance proof is mandatory with a minimum of BMFA "A" certificate, this is a requirement of our landlords for anyone to fly at the field. No reasonably sized model aircraft will be refused on the day unless considered to be problematic. Pilots will sign to say that all planes have been flown previously and to guarantee all flying models physical and electronic integrity.
The idea is to have an informal get together of pilots. Both GMAC members and pilots from anywhere else.
It is not a show, and anyone can fly. Please see the Galleries section for photos of previous events.
Entrance is free, Greenacres members fly for free, but we charge visiting pilots a nominal fee of £5 for a days flying.
Pilots book their transmitters into TX control on arrival. Transmitters are tested and kept in TX control for safety reasons until a pilot requires it to fly. Transmitters are returned by pilots immediately after flying. 2.4Ghz transmitters will still have to be booked in so that flying slots can be controlled.
A mobile caterer is booked (Hot and cold drinks, burgers, hot dogs etc) and also trade stands to attend.
Camping available and we will be asking for a small donation. There is plenty of room for tents and caravans. We always plan to have a barbecue on the Saturday night. Please let us know if you are intending to camp. Please send your space requirements to (see Intro page for contact details)
Traders have been invited and some have already booked. All are welcome, again we will be asking for a donation Please let us know your space requirements and if you are intending to camp. see Intro page for contact details.
GMAC Members run the whole weekend. Marking out, pitching tents, car parking, transmitter control, flight line marshalling etc. And also packing up afterwards. Please note that any new volunteers will always be extremely welcome. The more the merrier - many hands make light work etc etc.
See our "Locations" page to see where we are. Events entrance postcode: WS9 0QQ