

Greenacres Membership has grown actively over the last few years.

Whilst some of our members are solely GMAC members, we have a high number of flyers who also fly at other local fields.

Our Members range from 7 to 80 and come from a whole range of backgrounds and with it they bring a wealth of experience and interests.

New Members are welcome, but due to high demand we occasionally have to limit beginners due to the demand on our instructors and to be fair to those undergoing training, and your wish to get into the air without disappointment.

To fly at the Aldridge Airport with Greenacres MAC, you will need:

  • Greenacres MAC Membership
  • BMFA Membership & Insurance
  • Walsall MBC Permit

All available from Greenacres at any clubnight.

After joining, your BMFA insurance documents are sent to the club and will be available for collection at club nights (please remember to collect them!) the cover slip is only valid for 60 days.

When Joining remember to bring your previous BMFA insurance slip showing certification and your previous Greenacres MAC / WMBC permit.

If you pay for BMFA insurance at another club then you must provide your insurance certificate on joining Greenacres.

Make Cheques or Postal Orders payable to "Greenacres Model Aero Club".

For any additional information please do not hesitate to e-mail us with your question's, and we will be more than willing to answer for you. See Introduction page for contact details

Club Secretary

Greenacres Membership Form 2023 - 2024: Click Here


Greenacres MAC Membership Fee:

  • Senior £15
  • Junior £5

Greenacres MAC New Member Joining Fee (or lapsed membership):

  • Senior £20
  • Junior £10

Walsall MBC Permit

  • Adult £20
  • Junior £10

BMFA Membership & Insurance

  • Seniors £47
  • Junior £20
  • Family Partner £30
  • Family Junior £15
  • Non-flying: £20
BMFA Membership includes £25 million 3rd party liability insurance

Please Note:

Visiting pilots from other clubs, assuming they they have all the BMFA Insurance required, and they intend to fly aircraft that meet the Club Rules (see here) can fly at Greenacres a maximum of three (3) times per year. Visiting pilots must obtain permission by phone or email from sitting GMAC Committee member before arriving at Greenacres.

All solo flyers must have the minimum of a recognised BMFA 'A' certificate


Greenacres Membership Form 2023 - 2024: Click Here

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