Author Topic: Planes for sale...  (Read 5637 times)

Jim (Chairman)

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Planes for sale...
« on: 22/09/2016, 10:26:06 AM »

We were visited by an ex-member of Greenacres, Henry Kendall, at the weekend.

Unfortunately Henry has had to give up flying models due to medical reasons, and is now parting with some of his beloved planes.

A family friend has forwarded me some photos of the planes, but no other details.

We have no prices suggested for these, but I will put them up here to see if there is any interest.

The planes for sale are Monocoupe 90A, Hanger 9 Toledo Special and a Super Cub. Sorry no details other than what I can see from the photos.

Monocoupe 90A

Super Cub

Hanger 9 Toledo Special

Unknown Monoplane? Also Toledo-like...

If anyone is interested in any of these models, please email Jim Mchugh at and I will give you details of the seller...

Building Winter 2015: Wiggo, Alliance (rebuild), Mini Whizzza (66% reduced plan), Foamie Spitfire (rebuild), SebArt Sukhoi SU-29 60E (rebuild)