I've flown my Riot with the FrSky GPS module you lent me a few times now. Will be flying it again tonight.
One problem I've noticed is the length of time it takes to get an initial GPS lock after connecting the battery.
Last Thursday night it took up to 10 minutes to gain GPS lock!!!
This is know as a "Cold Start" in GPS terms, where the GPS has to search for, find and learn all the satellites in view.
Better than this is a "Warm Start" where the module already knows about some (all) satellites in view. A "Warm Start" can take only a few seconds.
To enable Warm Starts, you need a small 3v button cell connected to a special pin on the module which keeps the "satellite memory" alive when main power is removed. The FrSky module does not appear to have this button cell fitted.
Question: Do I have your permission to improve the GPS module by adding a button cell to it?
Obviously this will require removing the heatshrink, identifying the GPS Module and finding the correct datasheet to tell me which pin to connect the button cell to...
Let me know if I could / should go ahead...